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Our reviews

(220 Reviews)
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November 25, 2023
Food was great!

The online ordering menu is not very good at all, it is hard to navigate, there are few if any pictures of the items you are ordering and no description of the dishes.

November 25, 2023
The food was beautiful and well prepared. definitely a favourite for the family.

November 21, 2023
Awesome! Fresh, hot and everything was tasty and delicious!

November 12, 2023

November 05, 2023
Ordered takeout. Food was great. Staff was also great. We would go back.

October 22, 2023
Everything was fresh and delicious!

October 10, 2023
Great food!

October 06, 2023
Food was hot, on time pickup, exactly as we ordered.

September 23, 2023
Great food. Quick delivery. As always.

September 22, 2023
Overused the soy sauce so the rice was really dark. Also not as tasty as other Chinese restaurants for the same dish.